KOMBI – Cross-border integrated bicycle rental system

The call for proposal was published in the frame of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme. The total budget of the project is € 980 954, 7 and grant intensity 95%.  The total budget of Pons Danubii in the project is € 540 692, 68. The Pons Danubii EGTC receives € 513 658, 05 as a grant, own contribution of the EGTC is € 27 034, 63. Duration of the project is 1 January 2018 – 31 May 2021.

Project partners:

  • Pons Danubii EGTC (Lead Partner)
  • Municipality of Tata
  • Municipality of Nesvady

During the project, a cross-border community bicycle rental system will be built, providing a possibility for renting bicycles in nine settlements (Slovakia 5, Hungary 4). There will be 2 stations in Komárno (SK), Komárom (HU), Tata (HU), Nesvady (SK) and 1 in Hurbanovo (SK), Nové Zámky (SK), Kolárovo (SK), Kisbér (HU), Oroszlány (HU). 95 standard and 35 electric bikes will be purchased during the project.

Pons Danubii EGTC is in charge of the construction of the whole bicycle rental system. They are responsible for purchasing the necessary equipment, implementation of project management tasks and integrating the new bicycle rental system into the local transport systems (establishment of sales points, designing promotional material, issuing maps that indicate the bicycle rental points along with bus schedules, making video tutorials, etc.). They will also organise trainings about conscious cycling for teachers and students.  


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