Project number: SKHU/1802/3.1/014

Period: 01.01.2020-31.08.2023

Total budget: 152,956.82  €

ERDF funding: 130,013.29 €

The current project contains the coordination and communication activities of 3 projects launched under NOVUM DANUVIUM TAPE, representing a complex innovation program for creating jobs in the Pons Danubii Region. As the area is surrounded by car manufacturing plants facing fundamental paradigm changes due to fast technological advancement, local suppliers proactively responding to changing needs, quickly targeting market niches with newly developed services/products, and achieving critical mass through cooperation have great prospects.

NOVUM DANUVIUM projects introduce non-conventional job creation actions in an area where overall unemployment is low, and labour problems arise in niches such as youth unemployment, external commuting, low added value activities and limited cross-border economic interaction:

#1 AUTOTECH INFRA: Setting up the Tata Innovation Lab, a shared development environment for regional SMEs, equipped with advanced machinery for prototyping in metallurgy sectors. Launching a Virtual Technology Studio, a mobile demonstration and development environment, to introduce advanced ICT solutions and training courses.

#2 WORKFORCE PIPELINE: Implementing a complete and effective framework of carrier orientation services for graduating students of vocational and tertiary education, providing future workforce in the regional automotive and technology sectors. Setting up Tata Dual Education Workshop, a venue of a new traineeship program providing a Material Analysis Workshop and further demonstration equipment.

#3 INNOCENTRE: Implementing the Komárno Innovation Centre, a multifunctional space including practice-oriented workshops with state-of-the-art equipment, meetings, courses and exhibitions, as well as incubation offices available for start-up technology companies.

Related TAPE: Complex innovation program for creating jobs in the Pons Danubii Region 

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