
Pons Danubii EGTC Launches a Labour Market Project
WORKMARKET (HUSK/1101/1.6.2)
A new labour market initiative financed from EU funds has been launched in the Komárno (SK)/Komárom (HU) region. The project is being implemented by the Pons Danubii EGTC on both sides of the border. The partner institutions are J. Selye University and the Labour Office in Komárno.
The project called Cross-Border Cooperation of Labour Markets - WORKMARKET (HUSK/1101/1.6.2) was launched at the beginning of 2014. The winning project proposal itself had been submitted by the Pons Danubii EGTC in 2011 and the competent Hungarian and Slovak ministries signed the necessary agreements by the end of 2013.
The initiative received funds from the Hungary-Slovakia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme (2007-2013). The total budget of the project is €201,360 and it is divided the following way: 5% own contribution, 10% state contribution and 85% ERDF contribution. The finances are to be divided into three parts. The Labour Office in Komárno will receive €60,000; J. Selye University is to get €74,000 and the Pons Danubii EGTC is to cover the costs of the project from the remaining funding of €67,000.
The Director of Pons Danubii, Zoltán Bara pointed out that the labour market in the region is facing significant challenges and the project to be implemented is of significant importance. He also added that surveys will be conducted as well as databases and statistics are to be prepared in order to provide help for investors, employers and jobseekers. The training courses will be designed on the basis of the current challenges and needs. Two job forums will also take place in the autumn, namely one in Hungary and one in Slovakia.
Mária Poláčková, the Director of the local Labour Office pointed out that they were happy to join the initiative since joblessness is a major problem in the region. The office will be involved in the offering of requalification training courses, which will help jobseekers to find new jobs. General courses will also be available in the framework of the project.
J. Selye University was represented at the press conference by the head of its Carreer Centre, Csaba Cúth. He said that the centre will be focusing on monitoring in the first phase of the project. An online survey is also being conducted in the framework of which 1,300 entrepreneurs are to be surveyed from Hungary and Slovakia. Besides finding out about the needs of businesses, jobseekers will also be surveyed and the training programmes will be designed in accordance with those needs. 30 types of course plans have already been drawn up. Moreover, on the basis of further feedback even more will be available. The training programme has been elaborated by experts.
Facts and figures about the Workmarket project
- 1 website designed for job seekers and employers
- 2 studies in Hungarian and Slovak languages on the current state of the labour market and development opportunities
- getting in touch with 400 businesses
- informing 250,000 people
- training programmes for 200 jobseekers
- 2 job forums organised in Hungary and Slovakia
- organisation of 10 study trips,
Total budget of the project is €201,360